publication | year |
Yousuf Alishan, Alvin Joseph, Anitha B. Pillai, Ravari Kandy Aparna, Ranjini Sarkar, Sudip Chakraborty, Sukhendu Mandal, Manoj A. G. Namboothiry, "Metal Nanoclusters for Interface Engineering and Improved Photovoltaic Performance in Organic Solar Cells", ACS Nano, nn-2024-12256x (10.1021/acsnano.4c12256) | 2024 |
Srivastava, V; Reddy, SH; Mohan, M; Anitha, B; Adara, B; Namboothiry, MAG, ( 2019 ) , Study on the defect density of states in light soaking effect enhanced performance of perovskite solar cells, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 52(26) | 2019 |
Kamble, VB, (2019) Facile and in-situ spray deposition of SnO2 - reduced graphene oxide heterostructure sensor devices, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 9(1) | 2019 |
Zou, W; Ocampo-Espindola, JL; Senthilkumar, DV; Kiss, IZ; Zhan, M; Kurths, J (2019), Quenching and revival of oscillations induced by coupling through adaptive variables, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 99(3) | 2019 |
Hegde, S; Shaoo, B (2019) Comment on "The N=3 Weyl multiplet in four dimensions", PHYSICS LETTERS B 791, 92-95 | 2019 |
Sathiyadevi, K; Chandrasekar, VK; Senthilkumar, DV; Lakshmanan, M,(2019), Long-range interaction induced collective dynamical behaviors, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 62(18) | 2019 |
Bhat, Swetha S. M.; Babu, Binson; Feygenson, Mikhail; Neuefeind, JoergC.; Shaijumon, M. M. (2018). Nanostructured Na2Ti9O19 for Hybrid Sodium-Ion Capacitors with Excellent Rate Capability. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 10 (1):437-447; 10.1021/acsami.7b13300 | 2018 |
Bandopadhyay, K; Prajapati, KN; Mitra, J, (2018) Resistive switching in individual ZnO nanorods: delineating the ionic current by photo-stimulation, Nanotechnology 29 (10):10.1088/1361-6528/aaa63f | 2018 |
Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Abbott, TD; Acernese, F; Ackley, K; Adams, C; Adams, T; Addesso, P, more authors, (2018), First Search for Nontensorial Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars, Physical Review Letters 120 (3):10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.031104 | 2018 |
Saleem, M., Resmi, L., Misra, K., Pai, A., & Arun, K. G. (2018). Exploring short-GRB afterglow parameter space for observations in coincidence with gravitational waves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(4), 5340-5350. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx3104 | 2018 |
Saleem, M., Pai, A., Misra, K., Resmi, L., & Arun, K. G. (2018). Rates of short-GRB afterglows in association with binary neutron star mergers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 699-707. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx3108 | 2018 |
Bandopadhyay, K., Prajapati, K. N., & Mitra, J. (2018). Resistive switching in individual ZnO nanorods: delineating the ionic current by photo-stimulation. Nanotechnology, 29(10). doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aaa63f | 2018 |
Sathiyadevi, K., Chandrasekar, V. K., Senthilkumar, D. V., & Lakshmanan, M. (2018). Distinct collective states due to trade-off between attractive and repulsive couplings. Physical Review E, 97(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032207 | 2018 |
Butter, D., Hegde, S., Lodato, I., & Sahoo, B. (2018). N=2 dilaton Weyl multiplet in 4D supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics(3). doi:10.1007/jhep03(2018)154 | 2018 |
Joseph, L., & Shaji, A. (2018). Reference system and not completely positive open quantum dynamics. Physical Review A, 97(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.032127 | 2018 |
Hegde, S., Lodato, I., & Sahoo, B. (2018). 24+24 real scalar multiplet in four dimensional N=2 conformal supergravity. Physical Review D, 97(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.066026 | 2018 |
Lakshmi, K. P., Janas, K. J., & Shaijumon, M. M. (2018). Antimony oxychloride/graphene aerogel composite as anode material for sodium and lithium ion batteries. Carbon, 131, 86-93. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2018.01.095 | 2018 |
Gopal, R., Chandrasekar, V. K., Senthilkumar, D. V., Venkatesan, A., & Lakshmanan, M. (2018). Chimera at the phase-flip transition of an ensemble of identical nonlinear oscillators. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 59, 30-46. doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2017.11.005 | 2018 |
Kusuma, URS; Bhat, SV; Kamble, V (2018), On exceeding the solubility limit of Cr+3 dopants in SnO2 nanoparticles based dilute magnetic semiconductors, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 123 (16):10.1063/1.4990497 | 2018 |
Mohan, M; Namboothiry, MAG (2018). Effect of cathode interface thickness on the photovoltaic parameters of bulk heterojunction organic solar cells , MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 5(11);10.1088/2053-1591/aadd58 | 2018 |
Bhattacharyya, S; Shankaranarayanan, S (2018). Quasinormal modes as a distinguisher between general relativity and f (R) gravity: charged black-holes, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 78(9); 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6222-1 | 2018 |
Sathiyadevi, K; Chandrasekar, VK; Senthilkumar, DV (2018). Stable amplitude chimera in a network of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators , PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98(3), 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.032301 | 2018 |
Bhattacharyya, S; Shankaranarayanan, S, (2018). Quasinormal modes as a distinguisher between general relativity and f (R) gravity: charged black-holes, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 78 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6222-1 | 2018 |
Sathiyadevi, K; Chandrasekar, VK; Senthilkumar, DV, (2018). Stable amplitude chimera in a network of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.032301 | 2018 |
Meladom, SK; Arackal, S; Sreedharan, A; Sagar, S; Das, BC, (2018). Microwave assisted robust aqueous synthesis of Mn2+-doped CdSe QDs with enhanced electronic properties, RSC ADVANCES 8, (26771-26781), DOI: 10.1039/c8ra03631d | 2018 |
Reshma Raveendran and Manoj A G Namboothiry, (2018) , Surface-Treated Poly(dimethylsiloxane) as a Gate Dielectric in Solution-Processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors, ACS Omega, 2018, 3(9), pp 11278-11285, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01629 | 2018 |
Ganga, B. G.; Seetharaman, S. M.; Varma, P. C. R.; Namboothiry, M. A. G.; Santhosh, P. N., Photovoltaic properties of low temperature solution processed earth abundant CuO nanocrystal-based hybrid solar cells. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science 2017, 214 (1). | 2017 |
Indik, N.; Haris, K.; Dal Canton, T.; Fehrmann, H.; Krishnan, B.; Lundgren, A.; Nielsen, A. B.; Pai, A., Stochastic template bank for gravitational wave searches for precessing neutron-star-black-hole coalescence events. Physical Review D 2017, 95 (6). | 2017 |
Jaseem, N.; Shaji, A., Two-mode Gaussian product states in a lossy interferometer. Quantum Information Processing 2017, 16 (9). | 2017 |
Kalathingal, V.; Dawson, P.; Mitra, J., Scanning tunnelling microscope light emission: Finite temperature current noise and over cut-off emission. Scientific Reports 2017, 7. | 2017 |
Kumar, S. S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Role of spatial higher order derivatives in momentum space entanglement. Physical Review D 2017, 95 (6). | 2017 |
Lekshmi, S.; Shaji, N.; Shaji, A., Weak measurements and nonClassical correlations. Annals of Physics 2017, 376, 448-459. | 2017 |
Mohan, M.; Nandal, V.; Paramadam, S.; Reddy, K. P.; Ramkumar, S.; Agarwal, S.; Gopinath, C. S.; Nair, P. R.; Namboothiry, M. A. G., Efficient Organic Photovoltaics with Improved Charge Extraction and High Short-Circuit Current. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017, 121 (10), 5523-5530. | 2017 |
Nandi, S.; Jana, Y. M.; Swarnakar, D.; Alam, J.; Bag, P.; Nath, R., Magnetization process and specific heat properties of geometrically frustrated pyrochlores R2FeSbO7 (R3+ = Dy, Y) and spin-ice magnetic phase in Dy2FeSbO7. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 714, 318-330. | 2017 |
Pai, A., Gravitational waves in an interferometric detector. Current Science 2017, 112 (7), 1353-1360. | 2017 |
Pande, V. R.; Shaji, A., Minimum disturbance rewards with maximum possible classical correlations. Physics Letters A 2017, 381 (25-26), 2045-2049. | 2017 |
Sathiyadevi, K.; Karthiga, S.; Chandrasekar, V. K.; Senthilkumar, D. V.; Lakshmanan, M., Spontaneous symmetry breaking due to the trade-off between attractive and repulsive couplings. Physical Review E 2017, 95 (4). | 2017 |
Sharma, C. H.; Thalakulam, M., Split-gated point-contact for electrostatic confinement of transport in MoS2/h-BN hybrid structures. Scientific Reports 2017, 7. | 2017 |
Sudhi, G.; Rajina, S. R.; Praveen, S. G.; Xavier, T. S.; Kenny, P. T. M.; Jaiswal-Nagar, D.; Binoy, J., Investigations of vibrational spectra and bioactivity of novel anticancer drug N-(6-ferrocenyl-2-naphthoyl)-gamma-amino butyric acid ethyl ester. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2017, 185, 234-244. | 2017 |
Thamban, S.; Arjun, U.; Padmanabhan, M.; Nath, R., Structural and magnetic properties of spin-1/2 dimer compound Cu-2(IPA)(2)(DMF)(H2O) with a large spin gap. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2017, 29 (25). | 2017 |
Vaisakh, C. P.; Foxon, C. T.; Novikov, S. V.; Kini, R. N., Terahertz conductivity of the highly mismatched amorphous alloy, GaNBi. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2017, 32 (12). | 2017 |
Valappil, M. O.; Anil, A.; Shaijumon, M.; Pillai, V. K.; Alwarappan, S., A Single-Step Electrochemical Synthesis of Luminescent WS2 Quantum Dots. Chemistry-a European Journal 2017, 23 (38), 9144-9148. | 2017 |
Varghese, A.; Sharma, C. H.; Thalakulam, M., Topography preserved microwave plasma etching for top-down layer engineering in MoS2 and other van der Waals materials. Nanoscale 2017, 9 (11), 3818-3825. | 2017 |
Vasanthi, V.; Kottaisamy, M.; Anitha, K.; Ramakrishnan, V., Near UV excitable yellow light emitting Zn doped MgO for WLED application. Superlattices and Microstructures 2017, 106, 174-183. | 2017 |
Vedhanarayanan, B.; Babu, B.; Shaijumon, M. M.; Ajayaghosh, A., Exfoliation of Reduced Graphene Oxide with Self-Assembled pi-Gelators for Improved Electrochemical Performance. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (23), 19417-19426. | 2017 |
Ananth, S.; Brink, L.; Majumdar, S.; Mali, M.; Shah, N., Gravitation and quadratic forms. Journal of High Energy Physics 2017, (3). | 2017 |
Jayakrishnan, M. P.; Dey, S.; Faizal, M.; Sudheesh, C., q-deformed quadrature operator and optical tomogram. Annals of Physics 2017, 385, 584-590. | 2017 |
Ranjith, K. M.; Brinda, K.; Arjun, U.; Hegde, N. G.; Nath, R., Double phase transition in the triangular antiferromagnet Ba3CoTa2O9. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2017, 29 (11). | 2017 |
Suma, S. P.; Sirsi, S.; Hegde, S.; Bharath, K., Geometric multiaxial representation of N-qubit mixed symmetric separable states. Physical Review A 2017, 96 (2). | 2017 |
Uthaman, B.; Manju, P.; Thomas, S.; Nagar, D. J.; Suresh, K. G.; Varma, M. R., Observation of short range ferromagnetic interactions and magnetocaloric effect in cobalt substituted Gd5Si2Ge2. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19 (19), 12282-12295. | 2017 |
Banda, H.; Damien, D.; Nagarajan, K.; Raj, A.; Hariharan, M.; Shaijumon, M. M., Twisted Perylene Diimides with Tunable Redox Properties for Organic Sodium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7 (20). | 2017 |
Babu, B.; Shaijumon, M. M., High performance sodium-ion hybrid capacitor based on Na2Ti2O4(OH)(2) nanostructures. Journal of Power Sources 2017, 353, 85-94. | 2017 |
Bag, P.; Nath, R., Path dependent magnetic states and evidence of kinetically arrested states in Nd doped LaFe11.5Al1.5. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2017, 426, 525-529. | 2017 |
Baral, P. R.; Ahmed, N.; Kumar, J.; Nair, S.; Nath, R., Synthesis and physical properties of spin-1 honeycomb lattice Pb6Ni9(TeO6)(5). Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 711, 568-572. | 2017 |
Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Black hole event horizons Teleology and predictivity. Modern Physics Letters A 2017, 32 (34). | 2017 |
Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Negative specific heat of black-holes from fluid-gravity correspondence. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2017, 34 (7). | 2017 |
Bhattacharyya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Quasinormal modes as a distinguisher between general relativity and f (R) gravity. Physical Review D 2017, 96 (6). | 2017 |
Butter, D.; Ciceri, F.; de Wit, B.; Sahoo, B., Construction of all N=4 conformal supergravities. Physical Review Letters 2017, 118 (8). | 2017 |
Cropp, B.; Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Hints of quantum gravity from the horizon fluid. Physical Review D 2017, 95 (2). | 2017 |
Damien, D.; Anil, A.; Chatterjee, D.; Shaijumon, M. M., Direct deposition of MoSe2 nanocrystals onto conducting substrates: towards ultra-efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5 (26), 13364-13372. | 2017 |
Ganesan, A.; Shaijumon, M. M., Activated graphene-derived porous carbon with exceptional gas adsorption properties. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2016, 220, 21-27. | 2016 |
Ganesan, A.; Varzi, A.; Passerini, S.; Shaijumon, M. M., Graphene derived carbon confined sulfur cathodes for lithium-sulfur batteries: Electrochemical impedance studies. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 214, 129-138. | 2016 |
Haris, K.; Pai, A., Study of statistical properties of hybrid statistic in coherent multidetector compact binary coalescences search. Physical Review D 2016, 93 (10). | 2016 |
Joshya, R. S.; Rajaji, V.; Narayana, C.; Mascarenhas, A.; Kini, R. N., Anharmonicity in light scattering by optical phonons in GaAs1-xBix. Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 119 (20). | 2016 |
Kalathingal, V.; Dawson, P.; Mitra, J., Scanning tunneling microscope light emission: Effect of the strong dc field on junction plasmons. Physical Review B 2016, 94 (3). | 2016 |
Konar, S.; Bagchi, M.; Bandyopadhyay, D.; Banik, S.; Bhattacharya, D.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Gangadhara, R. T.; Gopakumar, A.; Gupta, Y.; Joshi, B. C.; Maan, Y.; Maitra, C.; Mukherjee, D.; Pai, A.; Paul, B.; Ray, A. K.; Sutaria, F. K., Neutron Star Physics in the Square Kilometre Array Era: An Indian Perspective. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 2016, 37 (4). | 2016 |
Kumar, S. S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Quantum entanglement and Hawking temperature. European Physical Journal C 2016, 76 (7). | 2016 |
Lopez, J. L.; Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Statistical modeling of the fluid dual to Boulware-Deser black hole. Physical Review D 2016, 94 (2). | 2016 |
Manikandan, P.; Ramasubramonian, D.; Shaijumon, M. M., Layered P2-type Na0.5Ni0.25Mn0.75O2 as a high performance cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 206, 199-206. | 2016 |
Mathew, J.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Low scale Higgs inflation with Gauss-Bonnet coupling. Astroparticle Physics 2016, 84, 1-7. | 2016 |
Nandi, D.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Complete Hamiltonian analysis of cosmological perturbations at all orders. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016, (6). | 2016 |
Nandi, D.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Complete Hamiltonian analysis of cosmological perturbations at all orders II: non-canonical scalar field. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016, (10). | 2016 |
Omkar, S.; Srikanth, R.; Banerjee, S.; Shaji, A., The two-qubit amplitude damping channel: Characterization using quantum stabilizer codes. Annals of Physics 2016, 373, 145-162. | 2016 |
Ranjith, K. M.; Nath, R.; Majumder, M.; Kasinathan, D.; Skoulatos, M.; Keller, L.; Skourski, Y.; Baenitz, M.; Tsirlin, A. A., Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic order in spin-1 chains stacked on the triangular lattice in Li2NiW2O8. Physical Review B 2016, 94 (1). | 2016 |
Sarma, P. V.; Patil, P. D.; Barman, P. K.; Kini, R. N.; Shaijumon, M. M., Controllable growth of few-layer spiral WS2. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (1), 376-382. | 2016 |
Senthilkumar, D. V.; Suresh, K.; Chandrasekar, V. K.; Zou, W.; Dana, S. K.; Kathamuthu, T.; Kurths, J., Experimental demonstration of revival of oscillations from death in coupled nonlinear oscillators. Chaos 2016, 26 (4) | 2016 |
Singh, M. S.; Jiang, H. B., Ultrasound (US) transducer of higher operating frequency detects photoacoustic (PA) signals due to the contrast in elastic property. Aip Advances 2016, 6 (2) | 2016 |
Srinatha, N.; No, Y. S.; Kamble, V. B.; Chakravarty, S.; Suriyamurthy, N.; Angadi, B.; Umarji, A. M.; Choi, W. K., Effect of RF power on the structural, optical and gas sensing properties of RF-sputtered Al doped ZnO thin films. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (12), 9779-9788. | 2016 |
Suresh, R.; Senthilkumar, D. V.; Lakshmanan, M.; Kurths, J., Emergence of a common generalized synchronization manifold in network motifs of structurally different time-delay systems. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 2016, 93, 235-245. | 2016 |
Varma, P. C. R.; Namboothiry, M. A. G., Squaraine based solution processed inverted bulk heterojunction solar cells processed in air. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18 (5), 3438-3443. | 2016 |
Venkatesh, P. S.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Jeganathan, K., Raman silent modes in vertically aligned undoped ZnO nanorods. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2016, 481, 204-208. | 2016 |
Acharya, S.; Medhi, A.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.; Taraphder, A., Feasibility of a metamagnetic transition in correlated systems. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2016, 28 (11). | 2016 |
Bandopadhyay, K.; Mitra, J., Spatially resolved photoresponse on individual ZnO nanorods: correlating morphology, defects and conductivity. Scientific Reports 2016, 6. | 2016 |
Banerjee, S.; Alok, A. K.; Omkar, S., Quantum Fisher and skew information for Unruh accelerated Dirac qubit. European Physical Journal C 2016, 76 (8). | 2016 |
Baskaran, P.; Vimalan, M.; Anandan, P.; Bakiyaraj, G.; Kirubavathi, K.; Praveen, S. G.; Selvaraju, K., Studies on an L-leucine hydriodide semiorganic crystal for frequency conversion applications. Materials Research Express 2016, 3 (3). | 2016 |
Beardsley, R.; Akimov, A. V.; Greener, J. D. G.; Mudd, G. W.; Sandeep, S.; Kudrynskyi, Z. R.; Kovalyuk, Z. D.; Patane, A.; Kent, A. J., Nanomechanical probing of the layer/substrate interface of an exfoliated InSe sheet on sapphire. Scientific Reports 2016, 6. | 2016 |
Cropp, B.; Liberati, S.; Turcati, R., Analogue black holes in relativistic BECs: Mimicking Killing and universal horizons. Physical Review D 2016, 94 (6). | 2016 |
Cropp, B.; Liberati, S.; Turcati, R., Vorticity in analog gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2016, 33 (12). | 2016 |
Majhi, A., Proof of Bekenstein-Mukhanov ansatz in loop quantum gravity. Modern Physics Letters A 2016, 31 (31). | 2016 |
Majhi, A., Thermodynamic Partition Function from Quantum Theory for Black Hole Horizons in Loop Quantum Gravity. Advances in High Energy Physics 2016. | 2016 |
Nampoothiri, S., Stability of patterns on thin curved surfaces. Physical Review E 2016, 94 (2). | 2016 |
Skakala, J.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Black hole thermodynamics as seen through a microscopic model of a relativistic Bose gas. International Journal of Modern Physics D 2016, 25 (4). | 2016 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2016) First low frequency all-sky search for continuous gravitational wave signals. Physical Review D 93 (4). | 2016 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2016) Search of the Orion spur for continuous gravitational waves using a loosely coherent algorithm on data from LIGO interferometers. Physical Review D, 93 (4). | 2016 |
Ali, A. A.; Kumar, J.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Asokan, K., Transition metal swift heavy ion implantation on 4H-SiC. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2016, 370, 101-106. | 2016 |
Arjun, U.; Brinda, K.; Padmanabhan, M.; Nath, R., Magnetic properties of layered rare-earth oxy-carbonates Ln(2)O(2)CO(3) (Ln = Nd, Sm, and Dy). Solid State Communications 2016, 240, 1-4. | 2016 |
Arjun, U.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Nath, R., Structural and magnetic properties of spin-1/2 layered ferrimagnet Bi2Cu5B4O14. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 683, 205-211. | 2016 |
Babu, B.; Lashmi, P. G.; Shaijumon, M. M., yy Li-ion capacitor based on activated rice husk derived porous carbon with improved electrochemical performance. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 211, 289-296. | 2016 |
Basak, A.; Fabre, O.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Cosmological perturbations of unimodular gravity and general relativity are identical. General Relativity and Gravitation 2016, 48 (10). | 2016 |
Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Fluctuations in horizon-fluid lead to negative bulk viscosity. Physical Review D 2016, 93 (6). | 2016 |
Binitha, G.; Ashish, A. G.; Ramasubramonian, D.; Manikandan, P.; Shaijumon, M. M., 3D Interconnected Networks of Graphene and Flower-Like Cobalt Oxide Microstructures with Improved Lithium Storage. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2016, 3 (1). | 2016 |
Chandrasekar, V. K.; Gopal, R.; Senthilkumar, D. V.; Lakshmanan, M., Phase-flip chimera induced by environmental nonlocal coupling. Physical Review E 2016, 94 (1). | 2016 |
Ciceri, F.; Sahoo, B., Towards the full N=4 conformal supergravity action. Journal of High Energy Physics 2016, (1). | 2016 |
Damien, D.; Anjusree, G. S.; Nair, A. S.; Shaijumon, M. M., TiO2 fibre/particle nanohybrids as efficient anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (51), 45802-45808. | 2016 |
Fabre, O.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Primordial magnetogenesis before recombination. Astroparticle Physics 2016, 77, 44-54. | 2016 |
Gayathri, S.; Jayabal, P.; Kottaisamy, M.; Ramakrishnan, V., Synthesis of the graphene-ZnTiO3 nanocomposite for solar light assisted photodegradation of methylene blue. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2015, 48 (41). | 2015 |
Gayathri, S.; Kottaisamy, M.; Ramakrishnan, V., Facile microwave-assisted synthesis of titanium dioxide decorated graphene nanocomposite for photodegradation of organic dyes. Aip Advances 2015, 5 (12). | 2015 |
Gopalakrishnan, D.; Damien, D.; Li, B.; Gullappalli, H.; Pillai, V. K.; Ajayan, P. M.; Shaijumon, M. M., Electrochemical synthesis of luminescent MoS2 quantum dots. Chemical Communications 2015, 51 (29), 6293-6296. | 2015 |
Gujarati, T. P.; Ashish, A. G.; Rai, M.; Shaijumon, M. M., Highly Ordered Vertical Arrays of TiO2/ZnO Hybrid Nanowires: Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2015, 15 (8), 5833-5839. | 2015 |
Jagadish, V.; Shaji, A., The dynamics of a qubit reveals its coupling to a N level system. Annals of Physics 2015, 362, 287-297. | 2015 |
Jayabal, P.; Gayathri, S.; Sasirekha, V.; Mayandi, J.; Ramakrishnan, V., Effect of electronic-insulating oxides overlayer on the performance of zinc oxide based dye sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry 2015, 305, 37-44. | 2015 |
Manikandan, S. K.; Shaji, A., A simple model for exploring the role of quantum coherence and the environment in excitonic energy transfer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015, 17 (28), 18813-18824. | 2015 |
Manoj, K.; Gayathri, S.; Jayabal, P.; Ramakrishnan, V., Synthesis and characterization of Ni/Ag nanocomposite for surface enhanced Raman scattering measurement. Materials Research Express 2015, 2 (6). | 2015 |
Mitra, J.; Feng, L.; Penate-Quesada, L.; Dawson, P., An alternative methodology in Schottky diode physics. Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 117 (24). | 2015 |
Nandi, D.; Shankaranarayanan, S., 'Constraint consistency' at all orders in cosmological perturbation theory. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015, (8). | 2015 |
Narayanan, S.; Janakiraman, B.; Kumar, L.; Radhakrishnan, S. K., A cell cycle-controlled redox switch regulates the topoisomerase IV activity. Genes & Development 2015, 29 (11), 1175-1187. | 2015 |
Ranjith, K. M.; Nath, R.; Skoulatos, M.; Keller, L.; Kasinathan, D.; Skourski, Y.; Tsirlin, A. A., Collinear order in the frustrated three-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnet Li2CuW2O8. Physical Review B 2015, 92 (9). | 2015 |
Vaisakh, C. P.; Mascarenhas, A.; Kini, R. N., THz generation mechanisms in the semiconductor alloy, GaAs1-xBix. Journal of Applied Physics 2015, 118 (16). | 2015 |
Venkatesh, P. S.; Dharmaraj, P.; Purushothaman, V.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Jeganathan, K., Point defects assisted NH3 gas sensing properties in ZnO nanostructures. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 212, 10-17. | 2015 |
Pal, S.; Rajeev, K.; Shankaranarayanan, S., An approach to the quantization of black hole quasi-normal modes. International Journal of Modern Physics D 2015, 24 (11). | 2015 |
Bandopadhyay, K.; Mitra, J., Zn interstitials and O vacancies responsible for n-type ZnO: what do the emission spectra reveal? Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (30), 23540-23547. | 2015 |
Ranjith, K. M.; Majumder, M.; Baenitz, M.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Nath, R., Frustrated three-dimensional antiferromagnet Li2CuW2O8: Li-7 NMR and the effect of nonmagnetic dilution. Physical Review B 2015, 92 (2). | 2015 |
Tibrewala, R., New second derivative theories of gravity for spherically symmetric spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2015, 32 (11). | 2015 |
Yogi, A.; Ahmed, N.; Nath, R.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Kundu, S.; Mahajan, A. V.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Roy, B.; Furukawa, Y., Antiferromagnetism of Zn2VO(PO4)(2) and the dilution with Ti4+. Physical Review B 2015, 91 (2). | 2015 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; more authors, (2015) Searching for stochastic gravitational waves using data from the two colocated LIGO Hanford detectors. Physical Review D, 91 (2). | 2015 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2015) Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science run. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32 (11). | 2015 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2015) Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data. Physical Review D, 91 (6). | 2015 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2015) Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data. Physical Review D, 91 (2). | 2015 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2015) Searches for Continous Gravitational Waves From Nine Young Supernova Remnants. Astrophysical Journal, 813 (1). | 2015 |
Banda, H.; Damien, D.; Nagarajan, K.; Hariharan, M.; Shaijumon, M. M., A polyimide based all-organic sodium ion battery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3 (19), 10453-10458. | 2015 |
Arunkumar, P.; Ashish, A. G.; Babu, B.; Sarang, S.; Suresh, A.; Sharma, C. H.; Thalakulam, M.; Shaijumon, M. M., Nb2O5/graphene nanocomposites for electrochemical energy storage. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (74), 59997-60004. | 2015 |
Ashish, A. G.; Arunkumar, P.; Babu, B.; Manikandan, P.; Sarang, S.; Shaijumon, M. M., TiNb2O7/Graphene hybrid material as high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2015, 176, 285-292. | 2015 |
Basak, A.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Super-inflation and generation of first order vector perturbations in ELKO. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015, (5). | 2015 |
Bhattacharya, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., How emergent is gravity? International Journal of Modern Physics D 2015, 24 (12). | 2015 |
Ganesan, A.; Mukherjee, R.; Raj, J.; Shaijumon, M. M., Nanoporous rice husk derived carbon for gas storage and high performance electrochemical energy storage. Journal of Porous Materials 2014, 21 (5), 839-847. | 2014 |
Gayathri, S.; Jayabal, P.; Kottaisamy, M.; Ramakrishnan, V., Synthesis of ZnO decorated graphene nanocomposite for enhanced photocatalytic properties. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115 (17). | 2014 |
Gopalakrishnan, D.; Damien, D.; Shaijumon, M. M., MoS2 Quantum Dot-Interspersed Exfoliated MoS2 Nanosheets. Acs Nano 2014, 8 (5), 5297-5303. | 2014 |
Haris, K.; Pai, A., Synthetic streams in a gravitational wave inspiral search with a multidetector network. Physical Review D 2014, 90 (2). | 2014 |
Jayabal, P.; Gayathri, S.; Sasirekha, V.; Mayandi, J.; Ramakrishnan, V., Preparation and characterization of ZnO/graphene nanocomposite for improved photovoltaic performance. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2014, 16 (11). | 2014 |
Jayabal, P.; Sasirekha, V.; Mayandi, J.; Ramakrishnan, V., Microwave assisted synthesis of zinc stannate nanocubes for dye sensitized solar cell application. Superlattices and Microstructures 2014, 75, 775-784. | 2014 |
Joshya, R. S.; Ptak, A. J.; France, R.; Mascarenhas, A.; Kini, R. N., Coherent acoustic phonon generation in GaAs1-xBix. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 104 (9). | 2014 |
Joshya, R. S.; Ptak, A. J.; France, R.; Mascarenhas, A.; Kini, R. N., Resonant state due to Bi in the dilute bismide alloy GaAs1-xBix. Physical Review B 2014, 90 (16). | 2014 |
Khandelwal, P. C.; Agrawal, S. S.; Namboothiry, M. A. G.; Gundiah, N., Fabrication of a novel biomaterial with enhanced mechanical and conducting properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2014, 2 (42), 7327-7333. | 2014 |
Kumar, S. S.; Ghosh, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Entanglement entropy for nonzero genus topologies. Physical Review D 2014, 89 (6). | 2014 |
Madhu, S. S.; Nagarjuna, P.; Kumar, P. N.; Singh, S. P.; Deepa, M.; Namboothiry, M. A. G., Efficient organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells processed in air. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (45), 24691-24696. | 2014 |
Mallayya, K.; Tibrewala, R.; Shankaranarayanan, S.; Padmanabhan, T., Zero modes and divergence of entanglement entropy. Physical Review D 2014, 90 (4). | 2014 |
Mazumder, N.; Mitra, S.; Dhurandhar, S., Astrophysical motivation for directed searches for a stochastic gravitational wave background. Physical Review D 2014, 89 (8). | 2014 |
Nath, R.; Ranjith, K. M.; Roy, B.; Johnston, D. C.; Furukawa, Y.; Tsirlin, A. A., Magnetic transitions in the spin-5/2 frustrated magnet BiMn2PO6 and strong lattice softening in BiMn2PO6 and BiZn2PO6 below 200 K. Physical Review B 2014, 90 (2). | 2014 |
Nath, R.; Ranjith, K. M.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Baenitz, M.; Skourski, Y.; Alet, F.; Rousochatzakis, I.; Tsirlin, A. A., Hindered magnetic order from mixed dimensionalities in CuP2O6. Physical Review B 2014, 89 (1). | 2014 |
Suresh, A.; Krishnakumar, G.; Namboothiry, M. A. G., Filament theory based WORM memory devices using aluminum/poly(9-vinylcarbazole)/aluminum structures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (26), 13074-13077. | 2014 |
Tagoshi, H.; Mishra, C. K.; Pai, A.; Arun, K. G., Parameter estimation of neutron star-black hole binaries using an advanced gravitational-wave detector network: Effects of the full post-Newtonian waveform. Physical Review D 2014, 90 (2). | 2014 |
Unnikrishnan, S.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Consistency relation in power law G-inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2014, (7). | 2014 |
Ajith, P.; Fotopoulos, N.; Privitera, S.; Neunzert, A.; Mazumder, N.; Weinstein, A. J., Effectual template bank for the detection of gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries with generic spins. Physical Review D 2014, 89 (8). | 2014 |
Arun, K. G.; Tagoshi, H.; Pai, A.; Mishra, C. K., Synergy of short gamma ray burst and gravitational wave observations: Constraining the inclination angle of the binary and possible implications for off-axis gamma ray bursts. Physical Review D 2014, 90 (2). | 2014 |
Chirenti, C.; Skakala, J.; Yoshida, S., f- and r-modes of slowly rotating stars: New results in the linear treatment. Astronomische Nachrichten 2014, 335 (6-7), 618-623. | 2014 |
Prasad, Y.; Medhi, A.; Shenoy, V. B., Fermionic superfluid from a bilayer band insulator in an optical lattice. Physical Review A 2014, 89 (4). | 2014 |
Salini, K.; Prabhu, R.; Sen, A.; Sen, U., Monotonically increasing functions of any quantum correlation can make all multiparty states monogamous. Annals of Physics 2014, 348, 297-305. | 2014 |
Tibrewala, R., Inhomogeneities, loop quantum gravity corrections, constraint algebra and general covariance. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2014, 31 (5). | 2014 |
Varshney, D.; Yogi, A., Influence of divalent metal cation Zinc doping on the structural and magnetic characterization of hemataite: alpha-Fe2O3. Journal of Molecular Structure 2014, 1075, 1-6. | 2014 |
Varshney, D.; Yogi, A., Structural and electrical transport properties of ZnxFe3-xO4 thin film deposited on Si (111) by pulsed-laser deposition. Optik 2014, 125 (22), 6629-6633. | 2014 |
Varshney, D.; Yogi, A., Structural, electrical and magnetoresistance of titanium-doped iron (II,III) oxide (Fe3O4) thin films deposited on strontium titanate, alumina, silicon, and Float Glass. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2014, 26, 33-40. | 2014 |
Varshney, D.; Yogi, A., Structural, vibrational and magnetic properties of Ti substituted bulk hematite: alpha-Fe2-xTixO3. Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2014, 3 (4), 269-277. | 2014 |
Yogi, A.; Varshney, D., Cu doping effect of hematite (alpha-Fe2-xCuxO3): Effect on the structural and magnetic properties. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2014, 21, 38-44. | 2014 |
Skakala, J.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Black hole hair in Lovelock gravity. Physical Review D 2014, 89 (10). Skakala, J.; Shankaranarayanan, S., Horizon spectroscopy in and beyond general relativity. Physical Review D 2014, 89 (4). | 2014 |
Skakala, J.; Shankaranarayanan, S., No minimally coupled scalar black hole hair in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2014, 31 (17). | 2014 |
Adhikari, S.; Roy, S.; Chakraborty, S.; Jagadish, V.; Haris, M. K.; Kumar, A., Controlled secret sharing protocol using a quantum cloning circuit. Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (9), 2071-2080. | 2014 |
Aartsen, M. G.; Ackermann, M.; Adams, J.; more authors,(2014).Multimessenger search for sources of gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos: Initial results for LIGO-Virgo and IceCube. Physical Review D, 90 (10). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; more authors, (2014) Application of a Hough search for continuous gravitational waves on data from the fifth LIGO science run. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31 (8). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; more authors, (2014) Constraints on Cosmic Strings from the LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Detectors. Physical Review Letters, 112 (13). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; more authors, (2014) First Searches for Optical Counterparts to Gravitional-Wave Candidate Events. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 211 (1). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; (2014) Gravitational Waves From Known Pulsars: Results From the Initial Detector ERA. Astrophysical Journal, 785 (2). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; more authors, (2014) First all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown sources in binary systems. Physical Review D, 90 (6). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Implementation of an F-statistic all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Virgo VSR1 data. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31 (16). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Improved Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from 2009-2010 LIGO and Virgo Data. Physical Review Letters, 113 (23). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Search for gravitational radiation from intermediate mass black hole binaries in data from the second LIGO-Virgo joint science run. Physical Review D, 89 (12). | 2014 |
14. Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; Accadia, T.; more authors, (2014) The NINJA-2 project: detecting and characterizing gravitational waveforms modelled using numerical binary black hole simulations. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31 (11). | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Search for gravitational wave ringdowns from perturbed intermediate mass black holes in LIGO-Virgo data from 2005-2010. Physical Review D, 89 (10). \ | 2014 |
Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Methods and results of a search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts using the GEO 600, LIGO, and Virgo detectors. Physical Review D, 89 (12). | 2014 |
20. Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; more authors, (2014) Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with gamma-ray Bursts Detected by the Interplanetary Network. Physical Review Letters, 113 (1). | 2014 |
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